Yoga Classes at Monmouth Beach Club
Yoga is stress-relieving exercise which is used for relaxing the body and mind. Yoga is very beneficial for peace and comfort of the body from various kind of physical and mental pressure. Make yourself comfortable by attending yoga classes at Monmouth beach club in front of big swimming pool. Let us discuss about yoga and why it is so beneficial.

Yoga is the word taken from Vedic Sanskrit, its meaning is 'to unite', 'to join' or 'to connect'. There is no exact figure about the discovery of yoga but approximately it is discovered in 3rd millennium BC in India.

Different type of Yoga :
There are various types of yoga to practice, some most common and popular type are discussed below:

  • Bikram : It is also known as “Hot Yoga” because it is mainly done in some closed room with 105 degrees temperature and about 40 percent humidity. It is mainly done to cut weight of the body.

  • Hatha : It consist of all basic modern exercise. It is best for calm-down, relaxation and to reduce stress.

  • Ashtanga : It consist of six continuous exercise which occurred one after one. It is a kind of cardio. It is also used to lose weight.

  • Iyengar : It is also known as “Furniture Yoga” because while doing that we need some kind of blocks or straps for proper alignment. It is kind of one of the tough yoga. It help to making whole body systematic.